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Have You Joined the Historic CDPE Fourth Quarter Launch Campaign to Save Tens of Thousands of Homeowners from Foreclosure?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Charfen Institute


September 30th, 2011 in CDPE by Alex Charfen

For homeowners facing foreclosure, the holiday season doesn’t represent a slowdown; it’s a time of heightened anxiety and uncertainty, and that’s why now is a critical time to reach out to the market every day with a consistent message of hope and a fresh start.

The recent spike in foreclosure starts stands to swell the ranks of the 6.3 million homeowners who are already in some phase of the foreclosure process. Far too often, financially strapped homeowners who don’t know where to turn and who to trust end up allowing their home slip into foreclosure without reaching out for help.

The Fourth Quarter Launch is all about changing that for tens of thousands of homeowners, and in the process, changing the growth trajectory of your business.
Here at the Charfen Institute, we know a few things about exponential business growth. We ranked No. 21 on the 2011 Inc. 500 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies, based on a three-year growth rate of 8,007%. I can’t emphasize enough that one of the most important things any business owner can do is commit to a laser-sharp focus during the fourth quarter when so many other real estate professional are scaling back for the holiday season.

Starting October 3, we’ll be in contact with Launch participants every day, sharing one activity and one resource that should take between five minutes and an hour to execute within your market. Those who leverage these market-leading resources and commit to becoming more disciplined and more determined than ever before over the next three months, stand to change the entire growth trajectory of their business.”

The potential of this campaign cannot be underestimated. The prospect of helping one just family to avoid foreclosure is extremely powerful and collectively, over the next three months, we are positioned to reverse the course of tens of thousands families lives, while saving neighborhoods, communities, and our country, from the blight more foreclosed properties on the landscape.”
Click here to sign up for the CDPE Fourth Quarter Launch, and click here to learn more about becoming a CDPE agent.