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Some Quick Tips To Boost Your Productivity

Services for Real Estate Pros with RealSupport Inc.

If there is one quality that a real estate virtual assistant has to have in order to be successful, it’s the ability to use their work time productively. Our time-management skills and ability to get the job done quickly is what allows us to work on projects and tasks for several different clients per day while completing them all in a timely fashion. We have a 48-hour turnaround time at our company, and unless you have a special project that requires more time, we stick to it.

Real estate agents are incredibly busy, and we understand that sometimes, it just doesn’t seem like there is enough hours in the day in which you can get everything done. That’s why we thought that we’d offer a few of our secrets to working productively and quickly. If you utilize some of these productivity tips, then we’re fairly certain that your stress level will go down and you’ll have a strong handle on all of the projects that you’re working towards completing.

Prioritize. If you can get yourself into a routine of prioritizing which tasks need to be done each day, then you will have a clear, organized list to work off of and you can start working your way through each item. Set a time at the beginning and end of each day to check and respond to emails. From there, make a to-do list of everything you need to get accomplished, starting with the most pressing issue and down to thing things that can wait. From there, don’t second guess. Just start working. Sure, urgent things may arise that will throw off your day, but you will always have that list waiting when that issue is resolved. You’ll also get a sense of satisfaction as you check each item off of your list!

Use a calendar. Whether you use a Mac and have an iCal or use Google calendar, have a calendar accessible on your computer and tech tablet. Diligently fill in calls you have scheduled, showing appointments you have made, and personal obligations. At the beginning of each week, take a look at what you have going on and designate days where you can sit down and do paperwork and other, more menial tasks. That way, you know when you’re going to be able to work on them and can focus the days where you’re busy and have meetings on being prepared and ready to impress.

Technology is your friend. We know that ideally, we would still live in a world where we have time to call everyone on the phone once a quarter and say hello. For ongoing tasks like your keep in touch campaigns or social media efforts, use technology. Create an email drip campaign that you can automate to send out emails to your database and set up a HootSuite account that you can use to post to Facebook and Twitter. The more that you embrace the easy conveniences that technology offers, the more time you will have to focus on more pressing issues.

Know when to take a break. Studies show that when you are burned out, you are less productive and the quality of your work decreases. If you genuinely need to take an afternoon off one day, do it! You will re-enter work the next day refreshed and ready to work, and you will continue to stay on top of your game.

Hire a real estate virtual assistant. Just think: wouldn’t having an entire marketing team get rid of so many tasks that you don’t have time to complete? Hiring a team of virtual assistants will ensure that your real estate marketing efforts get completed by a group of experts that are willing to help you build your business. It will free up your time significantly, and you can focus on doing what you do best, and that is selling homes.

These quick tips will help you work more productively and get tasks done faster so you can find some time for yourself. In an industry as hectic and busy as real estate, it can be easy to lose track of everything that you have in the works. That’s why we thought that we’d share a few of our secrets of effective time management with you. Throughout everything, there is one tip that we think is more important than the rest, and that is to remember to breathe. Even on the most hectic of days, you will get everything done if you work productively!

Have a great day!

Sarah Kay
Social Media and Copywriting Team Leader