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How $99 Referrals Can Be Worth More than $1,075 Leads

Services for Real Estate Pros with Real Estate Pipeline, Inc.

How much of your commission are the big lead generators taking away?How much would you pay for a good referral?

I mean a referral that, let's say, had a 20% chance of buying or selling their home within a year?

Now that may not sound like much at first. But consider the fact that, unlike with traditional lead programs, where there's a slight chance that 1 in 100 of the leads you get will turn into a closing...but our average closing rate is 1-in-5.

That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Why do you think that is?

That's because, until we came along, "lead generation" companies actually bragged about their 1 in 100 closing rate.

And, on top of that, they would take a massive bit out of any successful commissions you got from closing with one of the leads they sent you.

Now, I don't know about you, , but I don't think that's fair.

Let's say that after sifting through those 100 stale leads, you did get the lucky break of closing one of them.

And let's say it earned you an average agent commission of $4,300.

The lead generation company then takes their piece of the pie, which could be $1,075 or more, leaving you with a meager $3225.

And consider how much you're already paying in monthly fees to that company?

Some of the more well-known companies charge between $200-$600 per month, per area! That's OUTRAGEOUS!

Do you see how deceptively simple it is to lose money with lead generation programs?

At Real Estate Client Referrals, our referrals cost $99. That's it. No commission split, no monthly fees, no long-term contracts. For more on how we can help you grow your business, just call 1-800-977-7058.