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Homes near Dell Inc in Round Rock Texas 78682

Real Estate Agent with Come Home ATX

Homes near Dell Inc. in Round Rock Texas

1 Dell Way Round Rock, TX 78682

Search all available homes near Dell Inc. Living close to your work has several benefits; you will be able to sleep longer, spend more time on hobbies, create more memories with your family, and your quality of life will incease, adding years to your life because now you live in a home near Dell Inc. in Round Rock Texas.


Neighborhoods near Dell Inc. in Round Rock Texas

  • Cambridge Heights homes are 3 - 5 bedrooms, 1,247 - 2,320 sqft and home values range between $86,000 - $209,000.
  • Greenridge homes are 3 - 6 bedrooms, 1,492 - 5,430 sqft and home values range between $121,000 - $315,000.
  • Chisholm Valley homes are 3 - 5 bedrooms, 1,518 - 4,342 sqft and home values range between $85,000 - $241,000.
  • Remington Heights homes are 1 - 4 bedrooms, 1,227 - 2,204 sqft and home values range between $95,000 - $170,000.
  • Spring Trails homes are 3 - 5 bedrooms, 1,659 - 4,183 sqft and home values range between $149,900 - $282,000.

Compare SOLD homes near Dell Inc. in Round Rock Texas. (Each red dot represents a sold house)

Round Rock ISD & Pflugerville ISD School Ratings and Reports

Even if you don't have children, choosing a home near great schools can significantly impact home values. Learn more about the schools near Dell Inc. in Round Rock ISD.

Thinking of selling your home near Dell Inc.? Request a custom evaluation of Round Rock home and check out my Property Marketing Plan for Home in Round Rock Texas.

American Brokers Realty Group
American Brokers Realty Group, Inc - Cape Coral, FL


You gave important points which we should always keep in mind. I know this will surely help a lot of home sellers out there. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 31, 2014 06:41 AM