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3 key indicators that as Real Estate Advisor you must master

Real Estate Broker/Owner

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) are indicators that help measure the performance of a process. As Asesores Inmobiliarios is necessary to evaluate our performance in order to know how far we are getting closer to the goals we have set ourselves.

If you still do not have clear objectives, I share three indicators that can not miss in your strategy so you can measure your performance as a real estate advisor.

1) Net Promoter Score

It is an indicator to measure customer loyalty and is based on a question that you should do your customers either by mail, whatsapp, writing, etc.


  1. Draws up the question, you should not alter it would lose the desired effect: How likely are you to recommend my service as a real estate advisor to a family member or friend?
  2. Place the rating scale from 1 to 10, where 0 is very unlikely and 10 is definitely recommend

According to the results, customers are classified into PROMOTERS , PASSIVE and OPPONENTS :

  • Assigning those responding 9 or 10 points: PROMOTERS
  • Which assign 7 or 8 points: PASSIVE
  • Those who give 6 points or less: OPPONENTS

To obtain a result opponents subtract promoters and a percentage is achieved. The NPS rate can be as low as -100 (everybody is a detractor) or as high as 100 (everyone is a promoter). Greater than 0 NPS is perceived as good and 50 NPS is excellent.

2) Number of Tours

A tour is considered as a visit to a property in your inventory, so it is the result of having a healthy inventory and effective advertising, ie this indicator are evaluating two key activities are attracting property and promotion of themselves. In short, the number of routes that you receive in a month is proportional to the number of properties you have in your inventory.

3) Time property in your inventory

There are many factors that determine whether a property is sold quickly or take a long time to do so, however, as perfections processes in your service, you can manipulate this indicator and reduce the time things to you relate this so the entire process is accelerated brokerage and your customers will be more satisfied.

What metrics you use to measure your performance as a real estate consultant?