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The 3 R ’s: Referrals, Recommendations & Reviews

Education & Training with MyOutDesk

In Real Estate or any business for that matter, we must place utmost importance on the 3 R ’s: Referrals, Recommendations & Reviews. It’s about building relationships on a personal level, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be systematized. Having a referral strategy is something that many sub stage one, two, or three business owners have never considered before.

Referrals are amazing because they are organic and are a testament to the trust and loyalty of those using your services. Think about it, how many times have you watched a movie or TV show, tried a restaurant, or even purchased a product because of the recommendation of a friend, or because of reviews you’ve read? In this day and age, we as consumers like to spend our money and our time wisely, and the internet’s multiple platforms have made it possible for us to rely on not just our peers but fellow consumers in order to make spending decisions. So why would you NOT employ the same strategies for your business?


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