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Why Rent when you can BUY.

Real Estate Agent with Paul R Straubinger

I have had this conversation more and more these past weeks with tenants, and after considering the costs to rent meaning first, last and security, as opposed to buying with a FHA loan it is clear as day that they lean toward buying. This indeed is more time consuming than a simple rental from the agents side. An agent should also consider if this is a first time home buyer and you as an agent see a long range business model, meaning in five years will this buyer consider a larger home or a larger purchase.  The possibilities you have to later sell the home five years from now and help them purchase another home only increases your traffick now imagine turning all your tenants into home buyers and imagine at least one lead from  each of them ....Did that thought make you consider to show them around for  few days in order to buy or what? Too many times a day do I see Realtors only lookng at tenants on a short term basis and a quick paycheck it is time more and more Realtors look forward to long term gains with these clients. So I ask you as Realtors to try to qualify at least on tenant a week to see if the best for the client is a buy as opposed to a simple rental. Do the cost comparision and see for yourself .