My youngest grandson (we have 4 so far with only 2 of our six children married) was watching Finding Nemo on thanksgiving day and I caught this image of him. I know Im partial cuz its my grandson and MY picture, but I think its hillarious.
It would probably be better if we could just play TAPS and say Rest In Peace, but our government is determined to keep the dying corporations on life support. Embedded video from CNN Video
Fresno summers can get blistering hot; you get used to 100+ degree weather. Winters can be brutal when the fog rolls in. But spring and fall are fabulous. Today when I drove by Woodward Park I pulled in to catch a shot of the trees with autumn leaves. as beautiful as the colors are, my favor
Facing Foreclosure? Received a Notice of Default? Fresno California First of all - BEWARE OF FORECLOSURE SCAMS. If you're behind on your house payments and at wits end as to what to do, here is what I suggest: #1) Find a HUD approved counselor
Take a look at this young man's lifestyle. Jay Shafer has been living in homes smaller than some peoples closets. His entire living space is smaller than the small home office I am sitting in right now. But after watching his videos I have to admit that my inner hippy cries out " I WANT ONE!" Wit
News just out about ANOTHER hijacking by pirates on the high seas. And the artilcle concludes with this comment: “I think they will demand good money because it’s a brand new ship,” said Andrew Mwangura, of the East Africa Seafarers’ Assistance Programme. “I think they have hit the jackpot.” The
These brief snapshots really help you get a feel for what is going on in the market. what you are seeing are the numbers for the last 24 hours on the Fresno MLS. As you can see from the numbers in the graph below the ratio of price increases to price reductions tells the story as to where prices
Interesting article in the Fresno Bee today discussing the uptick real estate sales. According to the article the same investors who sold property 2003 - 2005 and went to the sidelines are now coming back in. Fresno Association of Realtors reports preliminary figures of 612 units sold in Octobe
First of all, you're not alone. Hundreds of thousands of households all across America are facing foreclosure. First: BEWARE OF FORECLOSURE SCAMS. I had a homeowner call me recently that asked for help in retrieving the money she gave to a company to save her home from foreclosure. The com