
Would You "Connect" Buyers and Sellers for No Commission, Ever?

Services for Real Estate Pros with New Horizon

Would You Sell Real Estate For No Commission, Ever?  

I would.  I always have.  I always will.  

As a child I would dream of a structure I would like to build and I would use my favorite toy "K'NEX" to build it.  Every Friday I would rush home, tear down last week's construction and build something new to play with for the week.  Houses, football stadiums, basketball stadiums, big office buildings, etc.  I was a developer and builder as a child and no one realized it.  Not even me. I was doing my "Dream" job as a child and no one paid me a dime.

Today, as a real estate trainer I teach real estate professionals to be creative.  Take a different approach to the challenge of connecting with your audience.  When you think creatively, you learn there's more than one way to solve a proplem.  The world opens up to you in a whole new way and you can experience a whole new level of success.

Would you be the "Connector" of the community for free?  Would you help people find the home they need for their family if no one gave you a commission?  If the answer is "yes" real estate may be your dream job too.  If the answer is no but you like what you do, figure out a way you can "Konect" real estate and what you love, so you can do both!  

Real Estate Success is about helping you be creative and expand your real estate marketing in ways you didn't imagine possible.  See the "Market" from another angle, the softer side.  As a real estate agent you have the best job in the world.  You can connect people with people, for the betterment of society. Connect your community with local businesses. Connect local businesses with your target market.  Mix in "service" and everyone wins.  You will sell more houses than you ever imagined possible because you thought of "impossible" ways to connect the people you serve.  

Our newsletter, "Konect" is our contribution to the real estate community.  A source of creative marketing ideas so you can connect with your audience, serve the community and utimately help more families find their next "Dream" home.  Each month we give you creative ideas on how you can connect with your target market.  Many of the strategies will air on the "softer" side of the market.  But we always remind you to "Know Your Stuff!"  History shows life and business are much more complex than just numbers or statistical facts.  Real Estate is emotional.  People are emotional.  So be creative, show your community you care.  Show prospects it's not about the commission, it's about bringing value to another human being.  

So I ask you again, would you "Konect" buyers and sellers of real estate if you never received a commission check?  Your payment from society would simply be your needs being met.  You would have what you need big and small, from food to Redbox dvds.  You'd have everything, just no check.


Please share your thoughts below.  There is no right or wrong answer.  


October is the celebration of "Connections" in Atlanta.  Peter via his platform, Real Estate Connections Atlanta, helps real estate professionals sell more houses than anyone I know.  

"Thank you" Peter Pasternack!


'You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar


That's #RealEstateSuccess !

Michael Oden, Your Marketing Trainer

Posted by

Michael Oden

New Horizon Financial Services, LLC

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Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY

Good afternoon Peter,

We are always cultivating for new business each day for free. If it takes a hundred connections to make a client and you made a $1000; some would say 99 were free; others would say they made $10 for connection.

Make yourself a great day.

Sep 26, 2015 04:13 AM
David Gibson CNE, 719-304-4684 ~ Colorado Springs Relocation
Colorado Real Estate Advisers LLC - Colorado Springs, CO
Relocation, Luxury & Lifestyle residential



Yes I have done it. I have just have to be careful that the charitable work, which is endless, doesn’t exceed the paying work.

Sep 26, 2015 05:46 AM
Michael Oden
New Horizon - Marietta, GA
Marketing Coach & Accountant for real estate agent

Excellent feedback David and Raymond.  


Sep 26, 2015 06:23 AM